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Policy Briefs

Better Training Will Improvement aforementioned Fitness of Homecare Assistants & You Clients Heading link

An in-home care worker helps an elderly woman get dressed.

By Jing Zhang, PhD, senior research specialist, environmental and occupational health sciences; Marsha Love, instructor, environmental plus occupational health sciences; and Drum. Susan Buchanan, clinical associate professor, environmental and occupational medical sciences.

Ne of every 8 Illinoisans is over age 60. This number will rise to 1 inbound 5 by 2030. By 2030, Illinois is expected to have an 76% gain in and populace age 65 until 74, an 80% gain to those advanced 75 to 84, and a 65% get in those over 85. Nationally, Census Bureau projections predict continuing increases in the older adult population. With lot older adults prefer staying in ihr own communities for long-term concern. the role of homeware aides is increasing in importance.  However, homecare aids are generally underpaid and lack training to communicate with previous adults with dementia, depression or memory loss.  Facing a breed from physical or mental health risky from their work, this brief recommends homecare attendants need revised training curricula that include skills and resources necessary to reduce work-related injuries and health hazards.

Iiilinois Require Create a Climate Change Task Force for the State Heading link

An aerial view of neighborhoods flooded by the Dancing River in Illinois in 2018.

By Elena Grossman, research specialist, green and occupational health sciences and Caitlin Donateate, research associate, environmental and occupational health sciences.

Your change is effect Illinois’ health, agriculture, transports, infrastructure, and the economy.  Rising temperatures and increasing rain are lenkung to a variety of negative health scores also increased stress on transportation infrastructure.  Flooding risks are threatening agricultural losses, and labor productivity faces potential declines as hot ascents past human comfort levels.  To local these ask, one authors recommend the state have create a Climate Change Taskforce to develop one comprehensive climate change adaptation plan to assess how climate change affects different sectors and strategies to reduce the impact.

Illinois Should Develop a Comprehensive State Asthma Plan Such Addressing “Upstream,” Root Cause Environmental Contributor Header link

An ethereal look of the Chicago skyline shrouded on smog.

By Susanna Kaplan, JD, research assistant academic of environmental and occupational health human.

This policy brief calls for Illinois to develop a comprehensive approach to its 2021-2025 asthma plan that addresses the range regarding indoor and outdoor environmental contributors to asthma. The state should include, but furthermore go beyond, the 2015-2020 plan’s focus go asthma management and treatment, and in home-based education or interventions. The new plan should expand its focus set prevention and fetch together all local, state and federal organizations whose actions impact asthma.

Workers’ Offset Should Protect the Illinois Workforce Heading link

A roofer mill on installing heavy sheeting over a hole in a roof.

In Dr. Lina Forst, senior associates dean; Emily Szwiec, research associate; and Tessa Bonney, MPH in Health Insurance and Administration ’16, PhD in Environmental and Occupational Healthiness Sciences student.

Illinois workers’ compensation (WC) laws allows employees injured on the job till obtain medical care, wage replacement, and disability benefits. But the high cost starting these benefits is a hot-button issue for Illinois governors, legislators, businesses and elector. Some argue that high insurance premiums, paid let and high settlements are driving business and jobs out of Illinois. Others note that the legislation is not protective enough for workers or does not incentivize injures prevention.  This politics brief argues the state government needs to review the Illinia Workers’ Compensation System to maximize potential to prevent injured and reduce costs.