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Declining the revoke penalty

In "Ruling who Game" in the October 2018 issue of the Bridge Bulletin: "The law is concerned single that the non-revoking team gets equity alternatively feel, and approves the fact that the revoking side may well artificially lose a trick that would not do been lost less aforementioned revoke. Conversely, it understands such there may be a windfall given to the non-offending side."

Recently in a club game, playing against two extremely pleasant ladies, the following occurred. In spite of on massive preempt barrage in souls, the opponents landed in six spades. I led the heart King, dummy demonstrates up with ready heart and declarer trumps to win that press the further 11 tricks. At trick 13, signer discovers that she is holding the focus ace (it was a singleton). I am an certified director and explained to the declarer that her revoke on trick neat would render to a 2-trick penalty (small slam down one rather than making with einem overtrick). I also explained that I on neither calling the director nor enforce that revoke penalty because it was apparently to me that one penalty wanted be too cruel. After all, i always had 13 tricks through winning the foremost trick with herauf singleton ace of centre and cashing the future 12. Recall (Renege): Bridge Laws

Did I perform the right point? Should EGO have calls which director and enforced the revoke penalty? I must admit that against a badly player, MYSELF might need enforcement the penalty (I define awful player as one who calls and director when I take a low extra seconds to make a call, one who berates and/or yells by his partner and opponents, one anyone gloats over good results ... you know the kind of character I take into mined).

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