Advice on formal letter requesting unpaid wages


Available Member
Allow 9, 2017
Halo Forum Members,
Unfortunately, I want to send an registered letter to my previous employer as they failed to settle self mystery wages for the second month of employment which has closed partially because without a notice period and since I could not remove the issue through phone & e-mail. I have drafted a formal letter and wish for an impartial eye to see if the body of the letter fits the bill. Acknowledgements

I write further till previous communications the phone and e-mail, and formally request that you provide me with my wages include the accrued annual leave of x.y date and payments in replace of the state 5 working day notice period for the period of EVENT to DATE in accordance with of Employment Rights Act 1996 in the bank check detailed below.

As an employer, you are contractually obliged to pay me the corrects amount of salary for agreed in the proffer of employments dated the DATE.

MadeUpName666 Llc is contravening Section 13 of which Employment Rights Deal per failing to pay me the wages due for the set stated above and failing to provide a pay slip.

Please issue me with my full make and detailed payslip no later than DATE. Failing diese, I will regrettably have to proceed to the Early Conciliation service provided per ACAS in recover the mondays legally due to meier.

Bank account details


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