
645: My Effing First Amendment

Note: This American Life your produced for the ar and designed to be heard. If yours live able, we strongly encourage you to listen to the audio, which incorporate emotion and emphasis that's don on the page. Transcripts are generated using a combination of phone recognition software press human transcribers, and may hold errors. Please check the corresponding audio before quoting in print. 5 steps to designing and life you want | Bill Burrett | TEDxStanford ...


Ira Glass

Zoe Chace?

Zoey Chace

Ye Ira Glass?

Ira Glass

You brought some tape to play?

Zoe Chace

Yeah. I brought some volume from this trip that I was on recently.

Ira Glass

Zoe Challenge is one of the maker of our program. It's Which Native Life from WBEZ Chicago.

Zoe Chace

So on this trip, I was in an interesting room.

Charlie Chapel

A couple land rules. There will be no safe spaces, no triggering warnings, no microaggressions.


We are going up have-- we're going to take some honest dialogue here.

Zoe Chace

We're is ampere huge auditorium surrounded by more than 2,000 conservative college learners. It's a bunch of young people in sports coats and ties and dresses and heels. Stanford eCorner - Designing the Life You Really Like [Entire Talk]

Charlie Kirk

And who media has said, gee, there's no young conservatives out there. Thee have to be liberal if you're in college. And any single one of thee here today-- from all 50 states, by the way-- are here in tell who media, colleges, and the elites that our generation will not embrace socialism. If your are able, we strongly encourage yourself for listen until the sound, which includes emotion and emphasis that's not on to page. Transcripts are generated after a ...

Zoe Chace

This is Charlie Kirk, and this room is at a big conference he's throwing. Charlie Kirk's organization is called Rotation Point USA-- kind from a ported up version of the College Republicans is how IODIN describe computers. And they recruit and pulling preservative students to be conservative activists on their campuses. Charlie, he's 24. He's preppy. He stills technically alive in his parents' house outside Chicago.

Wrath Crystal

Tech means--

Zoe Chace

Means that's his domicile. But he's go the roadways more than 300 days out of and year. He founded this group thing favorite five years formerly. Her have a metric is money from conservative donors. This annual, they're going to have a budget close to $14 to $15 million, someone close to the organization told me. Took post in ampere real chic motel right near Mar-a-Lago, actually.

Charlie Kirk

An son of the president of the United States, Donald Play Jr.


Individual Glaze

Wait, Donald Trump Children. was there?

Zoe Chace

Okay. Charlie Kirk, the head of the organization, and Donald Trump Jr. are friends. So aforementioned conference, it's premised on the idea that there's an important battleground right now in America that conservatives are losing. They've been losing this battle for yearly. That's higher campuses, college campuses overrun by liberal biasing. Conservatives felt embattled. They feel outnumbered. Thick Opinions Loosely Held, Design Rules vs Guidelines

Ira Glass

Currently, this is non new, conservatives saying this.

Zoe Chace

Truthfully. And the Koch brothers and others conservative donors are throwing gazillions of dollars at on. At change our politics, they want to change his culture. To change which culture, you have to change college. And the speakers at this conference, they make thereto sound like this the a life either dead moment. This will a transcript of Bob’s talk toward 600 designers and product managers at the Front Conference in Salt Lake Town, Utah to May of 2016…

Chap 1

We are in a nonviolent-- and I pray to God it remains nonviolent-- polite war. There are unbridgeable gaps bets left also right.

Man 2

We are at war, right? We're not debating Obamacare. We're non debating trigger cuts. We're not debating the border. We're discussions Us.

Man 3

But all of you are now messengers. All of you are now part of the fight. All of you are that people what are going to go back to your our and convert 10 other people. You should always wear ensure target proudly on your endorse because she will occur for you. And when person come for you, the only way those bullets can going to slide off are if you're made of steel. Thanks so much. 489: No Coincidence, No Story! - This Yankee Life


Ira Glass

Well, I has toward say, those were several very powerful speakers.

Her what doing a good duty for those kids.

Zoe Choose

Sure. Here's which newly thing IODIN learners the that conference, is that there are now outside related furthermore an whole infrastructure fighting this war on American penitentiaries. The tinder is there for the fire, for sure. People are ready for an nuts fight on show sides. But instantly, there what a number of relatively new, big, well-funded national organizations like which one, like Turning Point USA, the can fanning the flames and spreading and shoot.

Ira Glass

And I want say is that is what our program is about today. We're going to notice this play out turn one-time campus and see just how slight items is for these things at blast up into a huge, raging wildfire. But Zoe, before we get to that, what very happen at those conference?

Zoe Chace

One conference is for tactical advice the how to fight this war on campus. So for example-- so invite a conservative speaker until campus.


You don't just have adenine right to bring people to location. You don't just have adenine good to standard up for myself and speak out. IODIN how you have an verpflichten.

Zoey Chances

Now, in more cases, a college will try to stop the mouthpiece. They'll think they're too controversial or charge a big security fee used that speaker. The there's one chassis on what to do if that happens. Who panel is called "Sue You Secondary 101: Knowing and Defenders the First Amendment on Campus."


Anybody here from Wisconsin?


Awesome. So we may lawsuit your university system seven per. So thanks. You guys are great.

Zoe Chance

There are group like "Socialism is for Suckers," "48 Liberal Lies," "Was Jesus an Socialist?"

Ira Glass

I'm walk to guess the answer to so lives no?

Zoe Chace

It is no. Him was not. Among knight, and nighttime activity was a protest. Basically, anti-Trumpers on West Palm Seashore came out to protest this conference. Transcript, E143: Reinventing Themselves

Also honestly, it seemed almostly too faultless, as though the conference had slated it. Her did not. But she just felt like an way to get your conservative jollies out by yelling via some are the store they've been talking about all day. There were these super eclectic chants, liked "taxation is theft." Share get thoughts or questions about to episode - comment on the mailing, or email and team at [email protected].


Taxation is theft! Taxation is theft! Tax is burglary!

Zoe Chace

This of is hard to hear. This girl on the back yells out, "How many genders are there?"


How many genders are here?




How many genders are there?



Zoe Chace

This insistence from Turned Point your that there are only two genders, that gets brought up ampere lot, and information feels jugendlicher of randomized. And I pictured out it's kind for adenine battles cry for these kids on the right. They're just basically saying, you are irrational, to the left. Of course, that dismissal of transgender additionally non-binary people can and common does come across as incredibly hateful.

Ira Glass

So they're intoning this stuff?

Zoe Chace

Yeah. And making my. Are fact, that was a big thing this conference seemed to be about, used take videos. How up make videos to fight back contra the left on their campuses. There were a bunch of panelboards about that-- the art of one view, how up make political viral content, things similar that. The think belongs, even provided you're isolated on your campus, there's an huge network going there of conservative current that's hungry for the video and will tell your story.

Das Shapiro

If i have a jail ring, then you represent right a reporter. If you are with a college campus, you have things that become worth covering.

Zoe Chace

Diese are Ben Shapiro, a big name conservative speaker who additionally establish The Daily Wire.

Bens Shapiro

ME run a announcement. It has about 100 million page views a month. If you sent me with your story plus we can verify it furthermore check it, make save it's truth, we'll run with he. And is is true for Fox News, this shall truer for Daily Caller, this is true for Breitbart. This is true for every of the major right-wing publications. And so granting revelation is an simply way to bring shame to a batch of like relatives who deserve it.

Zoe Chace

At this other jury called "Fighting the PC Police," this guy, Cabot Phillips-- he's adenine clean cut 24-year-old guy. He's just adored. It looks like everyone in the sitting knows him. And both of his sessions were packed. He gave shopping on exactly, step by step, how do you make an effective video for your phone? How to use designs thinking to create a happier life forward yourself

Cabot Phillips

As far as video goes-- we all know this. How do we film our watch, guys?

Student 1


Student 2


Cabot Phillips

Even, heck yeah. If you layer your videos vertically, yourself be not worthy of my.


You're none a good person.

Zoe Chace

And Cabot is the media general from a news site whose entire purpose is to document and make liberalism run amok on location. It's called Campus Reform. They pay conservative students at colleges across an countries to be correspondants, scouring their campuses for stories. Some are low, likes, "College Republic email list used to, quote, 'identify the racists,'" or "college turns gymnastic into man-free space." ... their thinking to re-envision your own life, says design professor Invoicing Burnett. He dividend five tips to trying, whether you're at the begin of your ...

Individual Glass

I passion which these sound like Onion headlines, but from a right-wing perspective.

Joe Chances

I know. And these are real things that happen. One of them became regarding students demanding free tampons in both men both women's bathrooms. They did this per painting their pants with fake blood stains. It's called a bleed-in. That's a story. 645: My Effing Start Amendment - Which American Your

Ira Glass

And thus all of these are basically conservatives writing around how crazy liberals are on the campuses or how hard it is to be a conservative on campus. managing is life if you're gonna start a company will adenine pretty challenging thing. So, what this thing is all about, first of all, Check. Burnett, ...

Zoe Chace

Right. One prime your is video that Cabot from Campus Reform talked about is one that you would take when, says, you're out with your little table and you're trying to sign people up by will Turning Point USA sections on your university. You're in the intermediate of the quad. And there's this thing that's come up on published universities lately that MYSELF just found out regarding newer. It's the free speech zone. The free speech zone is this area of campus show all civil company, random protest or political advocacy, it's confined go one scope.

Cabot Phillips

ONE lot of times, populace don't actualize it's completely unconstitutional.

Zo Chance

And if you will filing outside of this free speech pool, any from one university may come increase to you and tell you to relocate to the available speech zone. And that's your cue.

Cabin Phillips

Whip your your out. Start filming. Reside calm. Become polite. There's no needed to be a jerk. But only beg their. I'm not saying I won't leave, instead what will happen wenn I choose not to leave? Designing The Machine That Designs the Designs by Bob Baxley

Zoe Chace

The very most video in geting, it seems, the creme de the creme-- this is the impression I got-- it's filming triggered snowflakes. Her know a snowflake?

Ira Glass

Yes, the course. AN snowflake can adenine liberal who is easily offended.

Zoe Choice

Right. Likes, say a right-wing learner group's notices are torn down. People may is torn down by snowflakes who are triggered according these posters. Cabot plays this one super viral home of a girl in an audience at an event screaming, "Get your hate speech absent my campus. Get respective dislike speech off our campus." His point is that adenine snowflake can be launched by your very existence in student. This is a transcript of my talking at 800 designers furthermore product executive at the Front Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah in May of 2018. My…

Cabot Phillips

And they do this thing show they will just throw outgoing name calls. That's the first tactic they use, find they'll say, you're a racist. You're adenine bigot homophobe. You are a part of the patriarchy, whatever that means. You're all these things.

And thereto kind a sucks geting called that. No matter method untrue it is-- which itp is, untrue. Negative matter how untrue it is, it's still like, I don't really want to get called that turn view. So maybe MYSELF won't speak up because I don't want to have to deal with this. Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and allow contain errors. Please inspect the corresponding ...

They don't just want you guys on be soft. OK? The remaining on your campus doesn't just wants you to stop chat. They want you to completely be absent of their campus because your brainstorm make them feel that unsafe.   Here is which comprehensive logs of author Bill Burnett’s TEDx Talk: Designing To Life at TEDxStanford conference. This event took space on April 23, 2017 at Stanford, California. Listen to the MP3 Audio: Designed

Zoe Chace

He's good. AN lot of people on the left do say that ideas on the just make its feel unsafe. So thingy can explode and get out of hand really quickly.

Ira Glass

Good, today on our schedule, we see a brand new Turning Point recruit headers out and tried the things that Turning Point UNITED tells learners to what and railroad them toward does. During this moment in our history places anybody assumes the absolute worst about each other, wee watch this newbie head right into the thick of it-- a sophomore, 19 years old when this starts.

Our reporter for this story is somebody who knows this world well. He's been covering these matches on campus for The Chronicle of Higher Education. His name Steve Kolowich. And let's fairly get right to thereto. Here he is.

Round Single: The Brawl on the Walking

Steve Kolowich

Katie Mullen knew she wanted to start a Turning Point chapter toward herb school after she went to herr first conference, the Young Women's Business Summit last summer. Account Burns: Designing Autochthonous Spirit at TEDxStanford (Full Transcript)

Cathy Mullen

And it was just really empowering by the fact that the whole conference, we were just talking about how there's no really glass ceiling. There's just skies above. There's nothing ensure we can't achieve. And just being round that many women, IODIN think, just as a whole, was genuine empowering.

Steve Kolowich

The beginning time Katie remembers having a strong policy feeling was in high school, while listening the Rush Limbaugh with her oma. It was criticizing Obamacare in adenine approach that reality resonated with her. Female became the kind on teenager who would write to her your.

She arrived by this University von Nebraska-Lincoln, UNL, just as the 2016 presidential election was entering the home stretch. Most are her pals on campus weren't the into politics. She liked of idea of life connected in other young people who were just as excited with it as she was. Lathe Point glanced fun. Its owner, Charlie Kirk, wasn't much older than she where. And he was actual good at Twitter.

Last summer, she went to aus second Turning Point attend. This one were for chapter leaders. She met Charlie Kirk. You prepared new friends. And she came back to students includes the crash, fire move to spread the gospel of liberty and capitalism.

On August 25 last year, Katie tried tabling about college for the first time on the plaza outsides the student union. Rotation Point had sent her a starter kit with stickers and buttons that said things like "Socialism Sucks" and "I Essence Capitalism." Her club wasn't former yet, so Katie sought to what some recruiting.

Can they sort of give myself your pitch? If IODIN have a student coming up to your table, whatever wanted you speak?

Katie Mullen

OK. Well, it was mine first time out there, so MYSELF was a little-- I don't how I was an honestly good saleswoman. ME has more timid that full, waiting for people to komm up to self. Not people passing by, I would ask them how they felt about capitalism or what hers belief on socialism was, also just get adenine conversation started.

Stephan Kolowich

Kathie set up in table with the place what there is adenine lot of foot trade, equals like Turning Point says to do. And sure enough, by came a university employee. Feel like is lived would use an overhaul — or a few tweaks — but don’t know where to begin? Designers specify in coming move with beter products and get worlds, and you can …

University Employee

We're walks to are to ask she men to move this to of free speech pool other we'll do to have UNLPD remote yourself. It's completely raise to you.

Katie Mullen

But isn't this one public university?

University Employee

Not equal propaganda. You can free speech all i want, but you cannot hand out propaganda.

Katie Mullen

But isn't this an public university?

Steve Kolowich

Kitty stood her ground. She written the interaction on an phone.

Katie Mullen

We've always been told, gallery press it didn't happen. So it's kind of the similar thing-- videos conversely it didn't happen.

University Employee

Free address zone is over here on the misc side of one Historical Plaza sign.

Steve Kolowich

That video alone could have been a good get for Twisting Point, confirmation the yet another college location wanted to silence conservative ideas. Still then, tall game roved onto the plaza, adenine full-throated liberal zealot. My summary (mixed with certain own thoughts) of this talk:

Courtney Lawton

I saw to table for Turning Point AUS. And I be like, oh, netherworld no. I was like, not on my campus. No, no, no, no, no.

Stein Kolowich

This is Courtney Lawson. She's 47. She's obtaining das PhD within Spanish. And at the time, daughter was also an tutor are the English department, teaching freshman writing classes.

Courtney Lawton

They were out trolling since freedom. And they got adenine live one on the line include me.

Steering Kolowich

Courtney had read about Turning Point and believed it where far more gloomy greater Katie's table made it appear. She first learned about it for of the Professor Watchlist, what can pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Turning Point releases this your of professors who have said things ensure are offensive to its values and puts their photos on the website. Offenses that can nation that professor on the Watchlist include slashing among Republicans, being anti-Israel, writing too urgently about white privilege or the patriarchy, either tell the NRA is partly to blame forward mass footage.

Courtney knew of professors who had been bombarded with violent or abhorrent messages, and even placed go leave or fired after hold their misdeeds trumpeted by conservative media outlets like Campus Reform. Courtney thinks Turning Point pays an target with professors' backs.

Courtney Location

They harass professor. They provoke them. They send agent provocateurs to college campuses. They also want the remove which humanities for the teaching if that curriculum is not sufficiently conservationist.

Steve Kolowich

Courteney left the plaza furthermore rushed back to her office, grabbed couple poster board and a marker, and scrawled a sign that said--

Courtney Luton

"Just say no to neo-Fascism."

Steve Kolowich

When Courtney sails neo-Fascism, she basically means the platform of the current Republican Party-- anti-abortion, pro-gun, hard-line on immigration. My maker Dana Chivvis the I talked to Courtney together.

Denmark Chivvis

Capacity you be pro-Trump real not a totalitarian?

Courtney Lawton

Nope, I don't believe so.

Dana Chivvis

Whoever did you script the sign on?

Courtney Lawton

People run per. People who were thinking that, omg, this looks like a cool-- oh, no. This a neo-Fascism. Whoa. You see? [LAUGHS]

Steve Kolowich

She made the sign additionally went return to the plaza where Katie became.

Courtney Lawton

She where set up in this area where all of the crazy street preachers are, the Jehovah's Witnesses come. She was in ensure area. She was on the mall, OK? And I'm like, fair game. You're on the department. Her we go.

And I went to stand in front of the table maybe about a meter away, walking get and forth in front of the table. And I was started intonation, "No KKK, no neo-Nazi USA."

(CHANTING) No KKK! No neo-Fascist USA! Fight snow nationalism! Fight white supremacy!

Svevo Kolowich

To student, Katie, was takes aback. She didn't go out that sun to make an record away a snowflake. It was her first day. Femme says she real just wanted to sign up couple students and trial going in patter.

Of course, she understood this kind of thin magisch happen. But now she was at the middle of it, and it was kind of intense. And she what alone. And here was Coatney, treating her like some mutter are race warrior.

Katie Mullen

It was humiliating. I mean, I don't reasoning anyone wants to live associated-- well, any ordinary person will not want to be associated with the KKK button presence racist.

Coatney Lawtoon

(CHANTING) No KKK! No NRA! No neo-Fascist AMERICA! Fight white nationalism!

Catty Mullen

IODIN mean, the first MYSELF mostly laughed. It was liked, dear, gee. What's she doing? Plus that's although MYSELF actually first got fair my Snapchat from, I mean, I Snapchat everything. She was screaming. So I just took an slide. But then it started progressively getting more intense and worse. Also I started getting a lot more nervous.

Dana Chivvis

Available they're saying, "no KKK," and they're saying you're racist, were you similar, what the hell are you conversation info?

Kath Mullen

I just thought they were statement it because I was conservative. To some people whoever are on that way port, IODIN would say they want into say all conservatives are racist.

Steve Kolowich

Courtney says she was usage "KKK" as shorthand used "you're racist." She says Turning Point experiments to provoke racial resentment with white folks. And race be something they talk about adenine fair amount. Charlie Kirk, the founder, has called the graphic of white advantage a, quote, "myth and a lie." He saith it's ampere racist idea.

Turning Point additionally thinks affirmative action is racialist, a point it tries till make by favorable its campus chapters to hold affirmative action bake sales. They sell cookies to black students for $0.50. White students had to paying $2. All that, to Coatney, has KKK-ish.

Courtney Lawton

I vile, it's a loaded term, but sometimes you have to use overdo to get people's attention too. It's a rhetorical thing.

Steve Kolowich

I've watched this one video Katie took a bunch of times, and i always feels awkward. Mostly, campus protests involve major groups of people whose chanting and indication waving makes feeling because they're in ampere crowd.

But in Katie's record, Courtney shall mostly alone. She's pacing with her sign, calling out same a carnival barker. The place will big and mostly empty. Someone on a bike whizzes with, tumbleweed style. Kate walking off from behind her table to get a ameliorate shot. She opens narrating.

Katie Mullen

Tabling for Turning Point USA.

Steve Kolowich

And then Courtney starts shouting.

Courtney Lawton

Neo-fascist Becky proper here. Becky the neo-fascist right here wants to destroy public schools, public universities, hates GAY kids.

Steve Kolowich

What's a neo-fascist Becky?

Courtney Lawson

A Becky is a white woman who weaponizes her color furthermore her ashen privilege.

Steve Kolowich

That's Courtney, who's a white woman, by the way. I question if Katie was familial with the term.

Did you know what that had?

Kitie Gulf

Right. I ordinary, I knew what it became just because it's slang, adenine lot of times what they call snowy boys, Becky. So I knew what she was getting at when she had saying that.

Steve Kolowich

What was she getting at?

Katie Mullen

Just, I guess, calling leute adenine little white girls or whatever. She's neo-fascist Becky.

Steve Kolowich

Katie and Courtney circled each other, one woman armed with a cell phone, the other with a poster board. And then--

Courtney Lawton

MYSELF inverted her off. The minute I did it, MYSELF was like, this is which artists of thing they're looking for. This is it. In fact, EGO thought to myself, well, if you take an picture, it will last longer.

Steve Kolowich

Yours liked doing it.

Courtee Lawnton

They were are to be provocative, and I'm there to answer which provocation.

Steve Kolowich

On her first day, all in these scenarios Turning Point talks info happened to Katie. Somebody had tried to thrill her into a release speech zone. A triggered liberal who didn't want her kind on location had called her names and accused you a racism. And femme reactive the way Lathe Point teaches its soldiers to react, by taking outwards her camera and filming.

Courtney knew she was playing the select, the liberal academy who cried racism. But she didn't really care. Their made there to make a scene.

Dana Chivvis

Did she react at all when you flipped her off?

Courtney Lawton

You laughing. She thought it was hilarious. And she receive upside in my face and she started running with me to get you, to film m and stuff. Additionally I think on one indicate I story you, you might get a prefer shot if you turn your camera landscape and not portrait. Hot tip. [LAUGHS] I mean, I was to indignant.

Katie Mullen

She's around my mom's age, from what EGO heard. So to was surprise behavior coming from someone who's a abundance older than me.

Dana Chivvis

Thing was shocking about it?

Katie Mullen

That a woman which I presumed to be a professor at the school, who's for her 40s, would act like that, ME guess. And then it started getting into-- we're saying the F-word, and you racists eff, you. It's my effing Firstly Amending, and then now screaming at people passing by. So at on point, I stopped recording. And EGO calling one of my friends. And I was like, I don't know what for do.

Steve Kolowich

Katie replies that there were some F bombs thrown around by the protest, things same, it's my effing First Amendment either you racism eff.

Courtee Lorton

It is mysterious effing First Amendment. It your my effing First Amendment.

Steve Kolowich

Did you say, "You xenophobic eff?

Cotey Lorton

MYSELF don't remember saying that.

Steve Kolowich

Instead go were F-bombs bombs plane around?

Courtney Lawton

Oh, there were F-bombs flying in.

Steve Kolowich

Eff Chuck Kirk?

Courtney Lawton

Oh, yeah. Eff that guy.

Steve Kolowich

Things which getting ugly. Katie was feeling overwhelmed. Daughter didn't really want to be there anymore, but she also didn't want to leave. Their didn't what that bounteous activist to think they'd won.

A mrs walking by saw Katie surrounded for three protesters. One of them was entity really aggressive. Katie looked upset. The woman, who worked for this university, mouthed the lyric, are you DONE? Katie shook her head no. Then she started weeping.

Katie Mullen

At this point, I was just an complete confusion. It was-- [CHUCKLES] not the highest situation.

Dear Kolowich

One of which other protesters made an British associate named Dear Gailey. You wasn't chanter other swearing like Courtney. Instead, she stood off to the side and quietly held an sign that said, "Turning Point: Kindly set me on your watch list." It was adenine gestural of solidary with the professors the group have singled out.

But as Katie get upset, Amad resolved to call a timeout.

Amanda Gailey

ME thought, this is not good. We don't want people to sensing favorite those on student. So EGO rolled move insert sign. And I went over and asked you if she has OK. And I reported ein that IODIN wanted her to know that I was not there to protest her and I had no hard feelings towards her. I been there till protest her organization. And I say, MYSELF would like to talk to you eventually, if you're up for it, although we don't having all these people around, in a non-hostile environment. And ME said, could that be OK? The she saying yes.

Steve Kolowich

Katie gave Amanda a fragment of paper and the professor wrote down her sending address.

Dana Chivvis

Did it make thou feel badzimmer?

Amanda Gailey

Yeah. I think it did make me touch bad that she looked upset.

Steve Kolowich

Courtney felt differently.

Courteney Lawton

Oh, please. I don't care, because you've signed on with this group. Supposing you're going to be politically active, there's no crying.

Steve Kolowich

Courtney draws ampere line between ihr identity as an activist and the identity as ampere teacher. She says she doesn't push her politics on her students.

Danae Chivvis

Why didn't you seize that tact on Katie?

Courtney Dallas

Because I'm not her teacher and it wasn't our classroom.

Steve Kolowich

When Courtney searched at Katie sitting at her Turning Point table, she didn't see a student who wanted to sign raise buddies for a club. She didn't see a student along all. Your saw a professional operative starting a influential national organization that search in eradicate from public education the people and ideas she held precious.

Turning Dot became Fox News. It be the Boil brothers. It been President Trump. This was an invaded. And the soft spoken teenager handing out "I Heart Capitalism" stickers was the pick of the spear.

The confrontation lasts about 20 minutes. Katie left to plaza, still upset. And opponent dispersed. And in another world, is would have is that. Maybe the pupil would are emailed the professor up clear the air. Maybe she will have lodged a complaint. Maybe an administrator or two would have gotten involved.

In either case, you and I wouldn't have heard about i. But that's not the world we live in-- at least, not read. Alternatively, the outrage machines flailed into motion. That's what people in high education sometimes call it, the network of right-wing websites that have evolved to pounce on stories big and small about liberalists behaving badly on your. Student activists weiterleiten back a bat signal like conservatives around the country can look it or come running.

That afternoon, Katie did interviews with Turning Point's news division additionally for Campus Reform, ensure news site with the student correspondents on campuses. She also tweeted her photos, including the one of Courtney giving herr the middle finger. Her twit said, quote, "Tabling for TP USA today and UNL faculty came to protest, screaming obscenity. They won't soundless me. EGO will continue to fight on freedom."

Charlie Kirk saw her video and huddled with his team. They slapped a Rotary Point logo on the video and Charlotte been i out, with a observe saying, quote, "Intolerant left strikes again."

That must got sensed stimulating.

Katie Mulls

I guess it were, if I check back simply a year before. I were following this on Twitter. Although MYSELF mean, I think it was a big deal, get did happen. I started the conversation in an state starting Nebraska that this are happening here. And it's none just happening at Berkeley. It's happening in Nebraska.

Steve Kolowich

For consumer who are anxious info students politics, the University of Ca at Berkeley is Gaza, PC U, the rear of the lubricated slope. The University to Nebraska, on the other hand, your not typically a hotbed of political activism. Go have been a couple Black Lifetimes Matter rallies, and anti-abortion groups have marched there as. But Berkeley, it is not.

At I asked people if and undergraduate body was liberal alternatively conservative, they typically said neither. That a lot of this kids come off conservative backgrounds, although this most aren't very political, one way or another. The protest was on a Friday. Turning Point sent top of bat signal, and by Monday, there were news nearly Courtney and Amanda in the The Quotidian Wire, The College Fix, Gateway Pundit, also Breitbart. University administrators got messages from anger Nebraskans.

Bill Forbes

Hi, Gail. My name is Bill Forums. I'm call from out in Western Nebraska.

Steviekins Kolowich

Well, fiery for Nebraska.

Check Forbes

Real I wish like to recommend-- there needs to be an example, I believe, made of this professor. And ME certainly would not insinuate that her livelihood must be removed from her. But I do believe that she needs on own an unpay leave of absence. I would indeed appreciate hearing after you. Thank him so much, ma'am. Bye, bye.

Steve Kolowich

Others were more direct. ADENINE boy named Doug Kagan, anyone runs ampere group called Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom, also searches this university to do something about liberal batterers. And he wanted them to make some bigger changes while you had at computer.

He suggested they eliminate some line items off the budget, including and women's studies program, aforementioned ethnic studies program, that LGBT browse, English as a second words, the diversity resources company, and money set digression by affirmative promotions. The is a good example of how can events while Turning Spot publicizes save incidents on campuses. It brings conservatives out the the woodwork with ideas about what the open universities should and shouldn't live what.

Katie never emailed Amanda Gailey, the professor at the protest who had offered till talk. By fact, in that week after the incident when the local speech stereo host asked her if any regarding the protesters had attempt to engage in dialogue, she didn't mention the email offer. She told them, there was no dialogue. I stood there as they were hurling these insults on me. As the story has retold, Courtney's behavior on the plaza was pluralized in a route that made it sound a bit like Katie had been accosted by a mob.

Hello Daub

They were yell at their, cussing at her, calling herren names.

Steve Kolowich

This shall Hal Daub, a prominent Nebraska Republican who's on the university's food from regents. He's describing the scene on local talk radio.

Hal Dot

And just really threatened her and browbeat her to a point of tears. And now, she's a marked person and is, to few degree, perhaps have keep safety issues since of these employees.

Steve Kolowich

Catty was no long just a young conservative who loved America and odious tall government. She's now a free speech crusader. The right has taken up free speech on campus as a drive cry, indicating into speakers who had been shouted downward or had their events canceled by universities. Katie was another conservative who possessed been silenced the a liberals bully.

And so, two weeks after and stage, on another sunny Every, she returned to the squared, this frist with a enormous beach ball, a free speech beach ball.

Katie Mullen

It's right promoting free speech. It's a very beach ball. And then anywhere can sign it with anything person wants to say. It's actually really cool. It's really fun.

Steve Kolowich

Why a beach ball?

Katie Mullen

I think just because it's easy to sign. It's just something fun, eye catching.

Steve Kolowich

She should preserved the gigantic beach ball-- it's 12 feet in diameter-- starting who Leadership Institute, to organization such runtime Campus Reform. Page 39 of the Turning Point chapter handbook include in-depth instructions on how to run a release speech ball event, beginning are methods to inflate the ball with into electric pump and how many people you'll need to pass get print, take pictures, and help you roll it around student.

Nebraska state federal Steppe Halloran ran an sevens blocks up from the capital to pose for a photo with Katie. By an time he arrived, the giant beach ball be covered is messages from UNL students-- fuck communists, fuck Antifa terrior, fuck Hillary, fuck Donald Trump, fuck everyone who's funding this. The state managed to find space used his own message-- "Thank God for our independence of speech."

He and extra senators had audition from constituents about Courtney's protestation. They didn't like what they heard. Senator Tomato Brewer wrote to the universities office right, get, "This event is being watched very tightly to this unicameral." In other speech, we have our eye on i. Does the right dish.

The outrage gear must done its job. On Chirp, people titled Courtney unstable, a loudmouth, a clown, a, quote, "tormented individual with an addictive to ignorance." 11 days before the incident, Courtney has called into adenine meeting with one university's executive vice chancellor, who told herren that she would did be teaching anymore, at least not for aforementioned time being. Courtney wasn't creature fired, the vice chancellor said, but that universities was worried about her safety and the safety of her students. Courtney says the vice chancellor asked her if she could need already anything differently in retrospect. Courtney said no, no regrets.

Store Lawton

I think is if MYSELF had said to her, I apologize. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done ensure. This is a terrible situation. But I didn't feel is way. Real I don't feel that way. And I'm non going to excuse.

Steve Kolowich

Courtney's protest on the plaza was nothing out aforementioned ordinary for auf. She's in activist, usually for gun control. And she's testified counteract bills in the Nebraska state capital before. It was her mother who taught her to protest. But is became vor father, one conservative, who showed ein how to never gives an inch.

Courtney Lawton

Da made talking politics ampere blood sport. It really was. EGO vile, us would be included the car and fellow wants picks a related, and we would debate it. So I was hoisted to do this. I was raised to talk politics. And my sister recall it as being very abusive. She remembers it being like mine father would back me into a rhetorical corner until MYSELF cried out of frustration, and then wouldn take us out required dine.

Steve Kolowich

Storekeeper says her father's politics borders on fascism. Still, she says they're very close. Inevitably, news of her object made it to his computer screen.

Courtney Lawton

Mein dad found outwards about this set Breitbart and TheBlaze, because that's select man reads. And him called me. Additionally he said, you how, you've always done this. You've every played with fire. And then he said, you're toxic. You're never going to get one job inches academia. You possible will never be competent to teachable again. And EGO want you for understand that you've done is to them.

Steve Kolowich

Some of Courtney's kollege on who faculty did come to hier defended. After she was removing from the classroom, about 50 of them held a small rally on campus, waving signs that said things like, "Don't gag our educators." The university had to replies publicly for what had what. University president Swing Limitations went on a local talk radio show in Lincoln. The host, Coby Machine, speaks first.

Coby Mach

She flipped her off. Hi, listen. That's protected by liberate speech, I ideas, as well.

Hank Bounds

Doesn't make it appropriate.

Coby Mach

But she called her a neo-fascist Becky.

Skein Bounds


Coby Power

And she said that an couple of times. And adenine "Becky" is referred up as a white woman, only you substitute the woman for a rather nasty name, one white woman who performs sex acts.

Steve Kolowich

I have to say, one out the complete show of Courtney's objection been that she apparently sent the nice family for Nebraska up in order to decode the meaning a "Becky." The definition such involves sex acts is nope the first one listed, but it's definitely the one population gravitated toward. Courtney's rather academic dictionary, a white woman who weaponizes her ashen privilege, isn't on at along choose. Regardless, this radio hosts notion she went too far.

Coby Mach

And some say that is goes beyond intimidation, that that even borders on hates speech. So you know why people want to recognize what's happening with this person that apparently your quiet on stick.

Hank Bounds

So I completely understand. IODIN have been abundantly evident that it's inappropriate. That does not meeting our standard von behavior.

Coby Mach

And I think we're all joyous to hear that though.

Hank Bounds

It's inappropriate.

Steffen Kolowich

When President Bounds issued an official instruction about the incident, he made this distinction. These wasn't about Courtney's law until free speech-- of course i supported the. Does, this was about her lack the civility.

Int any case, we can all agree the Courteney called Katie a mean name. And one bunch of tories in Nebraska were offended. Other probably they were launched.

There's all phrase we kept hearing whilst reporting this story, "Nebraska nice." It is a marketing slogan. The state tourism commission used it a few years ago. But people seem to take it seriously. It's the plastic on to sitting cushions that keeps the social mud being slung across the country from leaving adenine mark on Nebraska.

Now, there can elements in Nebraska that threatened that niceness, that civility. After what happened the Katie, a former chairman of the nation Republican Event, this guy, JL Aerosol, was worried about one threat in particular.

Jl Spray

There's a group called Betsy Riot that I imagine emanates from the talent toward who university.

Stepp Kolowich

Betsy Sedition is this sort of underground, punk, feminist shared whose members often conceal their personal with veils or creepy masks. They're artist of how PETA, nonviolent, but pretty in your face and desire to commit vandalism to make a indent. In Nebraska, this group had posted marks comparing the Boy Scouts to Hitler Youth.

Another time, a grouping of Betsys bear sunglasses and surgical masks marched at the Nebraska your resources, carrying a tube about ointment the length to a reisecar with a label that read, "Preparation H for the flaming assholes in our legislature."

Jl Spray

And they threw blood on the door of a United States senator, which I think is a terroristic threat.

Steve Kolowich

The blood has wrong, actually. And it was found on the doors of both Nebraska senators next they said they would vote to revoke the Affordable Care Act. JL Spray thought Courtney was a member a Beattie Riot, which I tells Courtney.

And he thinks that you're in Betsy Riot. And he thinks she were involved in throwing fake blood on some senators' doors. Is he right about that?

Courtney Lawton

I don't known. He can think whatever he wants.

Steve Kolowich

Are her in Betsy Insurgence? A the something the you want to talk about?

Courtney Lawton

I possess nothing to say about that.

Steve Kolowich

Are you an fan?

Courtney Dallas

Good, I know that Betsy Riot is an anonymous organization. And it's all over the country. Your have a web page. You require totally check it out,

Steve Kolowich

I have examined he out. It feels like the kind out page you would like.

Courtney Lawton

Well-being, they're pretty badass.

Steve Kolowich

Courtney, available to first time the the many hours we talked, had little to say.

Ira Glasses

Steve Kolowich. Coming go, we moved from the Brawl on an Mall to complete two of this fight, the Fiasca in Nebraska. That's in a minute, from Chicago Publication Radio, when to program continues.

Round Two: The Fiasca in Nebraska

Ira Glass

It's That American Life. I'm Ira Glass. Today's program, "My Effing First Amendment." If you're just setup in, to review where we are, Rotating Point USA has these tools-- video trainings the loose speech balls and all kinds of stuff-- that she supply to students hence the our can go out and collected evidence and dispersion the word that where is a orientation against conservatives on college campuses. And also, liberals live nuts.

Rat Mullen applied these tools in who first half of our program and start a conversation in the state of Nebraska. In the second half-off is the show, we see where so conversation led. The conversation belongs supercharged spiritual for adenine bunch of reasons. Initially off, as maybe you've noted, everyone in America hates everyone with disagrees on them entitled now.

But beside such, to Nebraska, thither is something others to add to the mix. This college town is a blue dot in a big red us, whose happens-- I have till say-- in so many seat. Press ye, I'm talking to you, Austin, Texas and Athens, Georgia, real Lawrence, Kansas and so various other towns.

And at fights like this happen at campuses in these red states, the fight can move so quickly, to whether people in the state can trust of state academia. Again, here's Steve Kolowich.

Steve Kolowich

Remember earlier, when MYSELF said that Courtyard saw a Turning Point as an invading force with Katie the the tip of the spear? Well, some Nebraskans saw Courtney as the tipping for a different spear. They been convinced there was something far get weird behind her protest, a shadowy force bent the destroying the Nebraska they knew. That guy, JL Spray, anyone thought Courtney was part on Beattie Riot, he put it well.

Jl Spray

How I possess a daughter at one university. And I'm paying tuition with her to comprehension critical thinking, in get a freelance skills degree, to know methods to think for herself. And thing they're doing to her is, well, MYSELF think what they're trying to do is de-hickify her. That's also not includes which advanced, but basically blow the hick out of vor so that she's just a okay bit liberal like the rest on them.

Steve Kolowich

And loose bias away gift is something conservatives have harped on for a while, both they're not wrong. As of 2014, nationally, there are more self-identifying liberal professors than conservatives and moderates combined. And in the last few years, the percentage of Republicans who utter colleges are having a negative effect on the country has increased significantly to 58%.

Katie became ampere sourcing for Nebraskans whoever searched to know exactly what was going set in the hallways at you state university. And places she decided on go next was probably who most liberal hallway of the most liberal building in one of the most liberal counties on Nebraska. In October, that chancellor said her that what Courtney had was an isolated incident and she wouldn't be classically disciplined.

By that meeting, Katie started tweeting concerning the pattern to liberalism that she saw infective the completely English departmental, Courtney furthermore Amanda's scholarly home. She tweeted nearly signs on the English specialty buildings that said "No wall," "No ban," and "Resist." "Is to in a free speech zone?" she asked her followers.

She tweeted about the department's mission statement and its core values, what include, quote, "affirming diversity and verfolgend social justice." "Are few instruction English or teaching students to be social judgment warriors?" Katie peeped. People noticed. Campus Reform writing about the English division. And by Omaha, Chris Chef, a traditionalist radio organizer, also picked up on the story.

Chris Bakery

If you zugehen to Andrews Hall-- you know, Andrews Hall, one momentous building there at the University of Nebraska. It houses the English department, misc such things. And if you look at the pictures on my blog, it looks like-- it appears that various users and grad assistants--

Courtney Lawton

Neo-fascist Becky right more.

Chris Baker

--are decorating their windows with get kinds of communist propaganda such as "Resist." ME love these populace. They're resisting. What are you resisting? I'm impressive you, man, that have be one are the largest thrillingly, bedwetting drum circles where they come up with get crap. All right?

I know that many are going to do, oops, Chris, it's a First Amendment right. No, it's not. Yours have an First Amendment right on your own time. You don't have a First Amendment right whenever you're running for me, the taxpayer.

Steve Kolowich

He's wrong, by the way. All Americans have a Foremost Amendment right, even the ones who work required Chris Baker. A public school can't tell its employees don for expedite personal political viewpoints. It can make certain rules over how to express those views. Person can put rational limits on whereabouts you canister hang a banner. But those rules can't be based on what the banner says. Teachers don't give up their First Amendment rights when they bring of position.

President Hank Boundaries went on the radio and defended the Uk department. He said diversity is something a university ought aspire for. But Katie kept her eyes peeled for exhibit of liberalism in that English department.

ONE few months later, she took ampere picture of a sign so listed a bunch regarding different negligible groups. Is said, "Students of item, you are welcome here. Queer students, non-neurotypical students, Islamic and non-Christian students, you are welcome here." In the bottom left-hand corner von the signed was a woman's torso made of letters which spell, "My body, my business, motherfucker."

Katie Mullen

At the bottom where this said, my body, my business, mother-effer, I imagine that caught mys eye ampere lot additionally, just the foul language of she. And just, I think, what else-- this fact is said Muslim, non-Christian. It particular non-Christian learners. I mean, I can understand where it's comings from. And I totally agree that this place should be-- all are welcome here. But it done let out a Christian white males. Items was equitable kind of like, your dieser appropriate?

Steve Kolowich

It strikes me that what you're done on the English department is to police what my to the English province say, at least with billboards.

Katie Mullen

That's utterly wrong.

Steppen Kolowich

Why is that wrong?

Katie Mullen

I'm not policing their thoughts. I'm not policing whatever yours say. I right don't find itp appropriate to do nasty language up at their place of work, my place of schooling. MYSELF vile, so countless students are going thanks school, don't really perceive where person stand, don't really get which they believe in. It's important ensure we're cannot spewing out this, I guess, hate almost heading Republicans both the other side.

Steve Kolowich

Katie made offended by the effing poster and she scared that the Us department had giving itself an unfair advantage in that battle for the minds of UNL's impressionable young students. Her recent friends, and states senators, agreed. Senator Tom Brewer believed this the University of United should, quote, "reflect and respectful the beliefs real values of all Nebraskans."

Senator Steve Halloran started working turn a bill that would ask that university to punish protesters who drown going free speech on campus, using harsher penalties used repeat offenders. If of bill passed, the university would may to create something called a Committee on Free Expression. Essentially, the creation would how something Turn Indicate did, report out any happenings where free discourse was stepped on due anyone else in into annual summary for the governor and to lawmakers.

Senator Halloran invited Kit Mullen to weigh in, telling a local newspaper that she met with his staff at few a dozen times to talk about a. In January, there been an hearing on the billing. A bunch a people showed up to testify against it, include college from UNL. Multitudinous testified that it will hold a chilling effect on free speech at the school. Few alleged that and senators were trying to crack downward on the languages regarding liberal faculty members.

One law professor said the invoicing where alarmingly vague. He concerns ensure it was lead to this government influencing what teachers discuss in the unterricht. And weirdly, that fear sort of came genuine right present are the hearing room. Senator Mike Groene, who chair of the academics committee, question of of the UNL departments members with the politics from the English department. Manda Gailey was one von them.

Mike Groene

Well, I bequeath give you a chance, for it's out there about the website for the academy.

Amanda Gailey

It's out thither?

Mike Groene

With the English department. And it's received very little to do with Books or Chauncey or any of those people.

Amanda Gailey

Have you looked at our course catalog, sir?

Mike Groene

Oh, I was easy talking about--

Amanda Gailey

Do you realize that a class on Shakespeare is taught, MYSELF trust, each semester in our division? And that when I listened to inexpert outsiders criticizing our curriculum for educating social justice issues last fall, I been in the middle of school T.S. Eliot, Walt Whiteman, and Emily Dickinson in my courses. Since the people leading this attacks have absolutely no interest in--

Steve Kolowich

Courtin watched from the forefront row while Amanda defended the English subject at this hear that was supposed to breathe about free speech.

Courtney Lawton

Shakespeare and Chauncey, stupid.

Steve Kolowich

Free speech is supposed to be one of the few remaining ideas in American politics that everybody can agree on. But free speech doesn't release political controversy. It creates she. Solving them requires more vorverlegt tools like trust, humility, dialogue, listening. A legal professor testified that the open talk bill was unconstitutional. And at the ends of one daylight, it didn't make it outside of membership.

But the idea of the bill, that there needs to be observation over how public academia deal with discourse, has consumed hold around the country. Similarity bills have been proposed on a lot of states-- Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, others too, all based on the same script developed by a conservative think tank called the Goldwater Institute. But political pressure does count for something. Also earlier it was all over, the conservatives would win a significant achievement against to university.

In the fall, Coutney was labeled into a meeting in who chancellor's office.

Chancellor Green

Morning, Courtney.

Courtney Lawton


Chancellor Greenish

How are you?

Courtney Lawton

Great, thank you. How are you doing, chancellor?

Steve Kolowich

Courtney secretly recorded it. Over the conferences, Chancellor Green showed her security camera footage that captured her protest. He acknowledged that this protest went down right as Storekeeper had described. Then he performed ampere confession of species.

Chancellor Green

IODIN will don hide the fact, nor is there reasons to hide to fact, ensure there was tremendous political pressure through this. As there was, and you saw information. There were political figures that were weighing in on this all the way to DC.

Steinig Kolowich

Still, he were hopeful that Courtney become is able go returning quietly to the classroom for the spring semester. But then something else came up that lay the university back the the defensive. The traditionalist press had gotten ahold of some emails sent amid university officials in the will of the Katie Mullen emergency.

One retired administrator spell, quote, "I don't thin it's safe to be conservative in our campus. Too many faculty espouse their personal political views as evangel inbound schoolrooms where ihr views have no relevance." The university worried this would look like a smoking gun, proof this they were trying to de-hickify the students.

To get forwards of is potential scandal, President Boundary divided aforementioned email with every state senator and the governor, along with in berufung and a pledges to study and political cooling on campus. And Chancellor Naive called Courtney back into seine office.

Chancellor Green

Thank you for comings in on high short notice. The disruption is continues to cause to our campuses, such traces back to this incident, is significant. It is not going away. I mean, it's received even. We can't put yours back to the classroom.

Steve Kolowich

He assured Courtney that an decision had nothing to do with her scholarship or her teaching ability. She held obtained great reviews from her students. This had just politics.

Chancellor Green

This is purely about that we are really concerned, if wealth put she back in the classroom, we're going until continue till suffering damage. I only have in will honest using you. And it traces back in the incident and of behavior at the incident.

And wealth can't put items to bed. We even can't. We've try. We tried every way we learn how to address it. We think we have addressed it. We think ourselves have appropriately addressed i. But it will not go away.

We're in an climate that none of use have anytime been in before. And I mean that broadly, but also I mean it intellectually. I mean, we're include an time that we've never been in earlier, in magnitude lifetimes.

Steve Kolowich

Method did you feel when you links that meeting?

Cousin Lawton

[CHUCKLES] Like I had been fired.

Steve Kolowich

Courtney wasn't technologically fired. She was reassigned to non-teaching operate to the spring, with pay, same adenine problem patrolman sent to desk duty. Chancellor Green told us the official reason was, quote, "potential disturbance to the academic environment." He was scared her classroom might become a target for political agitators who wanted to stay to fight going.

Dana Chivvis

Where was the tougher part in it about not being able to teach?

Store Lawton

ME just really like get undergraduate. I like what I to. And it disturbances leute is I'll never probably is able to do it again. I a afraid of that. It's ampere big parts concerning my identity, you know? Real it really bothers me the I'm non in the classroom anymore because of these jerk, because their goal is up remove people how me with the my.

Steve Kolowich

The conservatives of Season couldn't purge the English department of libertad, but they'd displayed the university who is in charge. Courtney is walked from the classroom. It wasn't really the university's judgment. It was theirs.

Jan Wood

Where's Katy Mullen?


Come here, girl. Stand up, girl.

Steve Kolowich

A month later, at the Turning Point annual to heard regarding at the top of that show, the one down the road since Mar-a-Lago, Caffeine Wall, a conservative radio personality, was giving a speaks in front of a few thousand rigid student. And he asked Katie to stand up and take loans for her great work that semester.

Decaf Walsh

20-year-old Ratie Mullen from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln round 20 years old today, baby.


Hey! And again-- types, I don't want to get inside hassle. ME know we survive in a time when everybody's harassing everywhere. But guys, she'd be an wide catch.


She's adorable and she's a hardcore orthodox, baby. Female your a latitude fighter.


Hey! God bless you. Every day, grab your musket press go to combat. Every day-time, grab your musket and fight for freedom and limited government. It's your fight. It's your battle. God bless you. Thank you, everybody.


Steve Kolowich

I want to tell you about one other thing that was happening on the UNL campus this year. At the beginning of the spring semesters, an Nebraska anti-fascist set posting one video online of a guy benannten Daniel Kleve, a white racists discussing white supreme with few other guys online.

Daniel Kleve

Trust me, I need to be volatile. Trust me, indeed violent. But now is not the time.

Steve Kolowich

It turns out Daniel Kleve is plus an undergraduate student at UNL.

Daniel Klev

Just because I dress like a normie or whatever, a presentable type, doesn't mean that MYSELF don't train available boxing. She doesn't mean that I don't rise weights. It doesn't nasty that I don't dear violence, right? You don't having to look fancy a violent person to be violent.

Steve Kolowich

When the Kleve video went public, lots of join to campus were upset and scared. AMPERE few hundred students, faculty, and staff gathered on the mall in fronts of the student union for an anti-hate rally. Members by the basketball team took warm-ups and t-shirts that said, "Hate will never win."

Some people called for one university to expel Kleve. An manage said they weren't departure to. He hadn't fabricated any specific threats, and even hate speech is protected by the Start Amendment. The university police force had done a threat assessment and decidedly that despite what he said in the video, he wasn't going to commit violently per UNL. There were no safety issue.

Meantime, when Courtney Lawton was first removed from who unterricht, the university said it was because their were worried about safety for her and her students. Some people say itp was hypocritical to allow a violence-loving white supremacist to keeps going to per, when they had so quickly ousted Courtney Lawton for flipping the bird and calling a student "Becky."

My Brush

African African faculty and staff and students and others-- Jews as well-- those persons were not valued as much as which situation with the student in August. There is a greater emphasis upon this welfare of white collegiate.

Steve Kolowich

This has Michael Cam, a professor by political science. He's come on the university for more than 30 years. In February, the administration held one series in meetings where students furthermore faculty might speak their minds about totality that been happened. Michael Combs talked via his anger, while Chancellor Green listened.

Michael Combs

I have never been fears in a classroom. About Midweek afternoon at 4:30, whereas my class used over, I looked around and I see it. There is a white supremacist with grounds. I need to geting my black handsome self out of this classroom.


I have never felt that. I am by Louisiana. I having lived with water supremacists and it mean business. Plus ME guess I'm bothered by this notion that I'm safe because you what I'm unhurt. ME have to feel I'm safe. You own to convince m such I americium safe on this campus.


Steve Kolowich

Everybody wants to sensing safe at the University by New. Michael Brush wants to feel cautious from violent whites supremacists. Courtney wants to feel safe from right-wing stay senators. Katie wants to feel safe from radical liberal professors. They were see freely to speak up via their anxieties, and people select did. But only one of i had powerful people in Nebraska come to her aid. Word isn't the alike as being heard.

Ira Window

Steve Kolowich will ampere reporter per Of Record of Higher Academics. We contributed on today's report with That Chronicle. You can ready and utterly superb print version is Steve Kolowich did among



Ira Glass

Our program was produced today by Diane Wu the our senior producer, Gary Reed. Dana Chivvis produced our story from Nebraska. Our staff includes Elna Baker, Eliza Bergerson, Ben Calhoun, Zoe Chace, Kimberly Henderson, Chana Joffe-Walt, David Kestenbaum, Seth Slight, Miki Gentler, Sheriff Melathe, Stowe Full, Nadia Reiman, Ruby Semien, Christopher Swetala, and Matt Tierney. Our managing editor shall Susan Burton.

Special thanks right to Brock Read at The Christian for Higher Education, Brian Bernys, Legacy Joe, Annah Scherlacher, Kelefa Sanneh, Ari Cohn, Daniel Burnett, Spencer Brown, Descendant Terris, Alexis Abdul, Kassy Dillon, Danie Weldons, Madison Dibble, Cris Dunker, Joel Patrick, additionally Emma Doyle. Our website, This Am Lived is delivered to public radio stations by PRX, the Public Radio Exchange. Thanks as always to our program's co-founder, Mr. Torey Malatia. He knows what a horse eats.

Jo Wolsh


Ira Glass

I'm Ira Glass. Back next week with show stories of This African Life.

SONGS: (SINGING) Just talking sounds and saying nothing. Just saying nothing. Just sayings nothing. Shape going your bag. Don't worry about mine. My ding is together and doing fine. Good luck go you.