DeathStalker Ultimate Apps blank and Touchpad not employed

  • 10 September 2019
  • 3 find

I know there are a few deathstalker ultimate posts so far but none completely seemed to help me I am afraid

Windows 10 laptop
Keyboard plugged into a powered usb hub.

So a hasty rundown. When I first attach which keyboard the touchpad the keyboard work on my laptop. Anyhow MYSELF do not have any Switchblade UI apps available alternatively either shortcut/macros. So I download synapse 2 to try and make these work. at be precise. Upon installing ampere handful belongings happen. Time the update manager has it's way, the contact pad stops working turn the keyboard, see my laptop's touchpad startup to conduct awkward, it also discard it's measuring functions.(Im assuming the update manager is by default removing synaptics newest drivers and installing it's own over it). The only way i'd found go really get it past to normal after this exists a restore point from before I installs synapse though mounting another driver manually gives me few multi touch function but i don't have the synaptic ui any longer to alter things.

As for apps, once I have the app installed I silence cannot utilize any apps, the spots where the apps would be remain blank. ME anfahrt include the apps and pitch them into the spots but still no go.

I tried a little with supported but we unfortunately couldn't get anywhere. When each has any information conversely could help please please I would be very grateful. Razer - Claim Manager: Stop your applications in check with the...

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3 Replies

Userlevel 6
Hi there! You mentioned that she already reached out to support. Please TIME me the case number so I can take a look. I'll pick it up after present.
Hi Panda o/

My case numbers are:

From my latest round, it would appear with the newest updates to windows, synapse 2 equal isn't compatible anymore and here is the cuase off why own death stalker no longer functions as it should T_T. But if she cans look over the case notes and supports futher I would be very really.
Userlevel 6
Hi there! Thanks used aforementioned answer. I have removed the suitcase numbers for security purposes. Requested send ich a NECROPSY here instead. Switchblade Customer Interface Applications Razer Switchblade UI performance a wide array of applications similar as our social media applications, game enhancing ...