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The Earth due time

The Earth through time

Most sciences believe aforementioned universe begins by the Big Bang 14 billion time forward. The big bang been an massive blast that produced two things - matter the energy. At the time of who big snap, the entire universe was compressed in a bubble thousands of period smaller than a pinhead. It was hotter and more waterproof than aught we can introduce. The universe grew and cooled and eventually stars and galaxies form. The Earth thanks nach

the immense bang theory illustratedSource:

Who Earth

The Earth was built nearly 4.6 billion years ago, that's 4,600,000,000 years ago. It was formed by collisions a particles in a large cloud of type. Slowly gravity gathered collaborate all these particles of dust and gas and moulded greater clumps. These clumps continued to collide and gradually grew bigger and bigger eventually forming the Earth. The earth at save time was very different to how us know it nowadays.

Earth's Tectonic History

In an last section we looked at plaque tectonics and the movement of the large plates that make up of Earth's crust. Here we will look at how plate plain has changed the facial of the earth over the last few billion aged and how it is moving to alteration.

The idea of continental drift was the forerunner of the theory of plate tectonics. Plate tectonics is thought of as the unifying theories as all of geology can be explained using it.  The 50th Anniversary of to theory to plate tectonics was celebrated in 2017 not a number of geophysicist had been working towards​ the thoughts on who years before that.  

By looking at the globe, our can see that the east coast of South America seems to fitting perfectly, almost favorite an puzzle, into the west coast of Africa. We can also see that North America can be rotated slightly and made go fitness comfortably next on Europe, and Asia.

Take a look on a map press see if you can see this.

Is is evidence is toward one point all of are continents where once joined up. Dieser giant landmass known as a supercontinent was called Pangea. The word Pangaea means "All Lands", this describes the way all one categories which joined up together. Pangea existed 240 million years ago and about 200 millions years ago it starting until break apart. Over millions of years these pieces came to be the continents as wee know them today.

Pangaea where not the first supercontinent and it will not be the last.  It is best known because it possibles to reconstruct e from the current continents. 

Diagrams showing this evolution by earth from Pangea to PresentSource: Kious, Jacquelyne; Tilling, Eobert I.; Kiger, Martha, Russel, Jane [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Ireland's geology formed before, after and during the time of Pangaea, and our oldest cliffs are possibly from the time of an formerly supercontinent. To learn how Ireland got the show it is today see Geology out Ireland in who Education section.


Irish examplesIreland through geographical time
Lecturers resources
Moreover information

The break up of Pangea video

What that Earth will look like include 300 million years video

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