Permutations and Combinations Cash and Sheets

Diesen permutations and combinations piloted notes cover:
  • tour to permutations, combinations, and conversion
  • intro in finding permutations (with and without repetition)
  • intro to finding combinations (with and without repetition)
  • 2 practice worksheets with permutations and combinations
**MENTION: This performs not include finding compound probabilities with permutations/combinations. It simply covers finding the number from outcomes using permute the combines.
I included two features in of combi tips in better fit your needs.
Version 1: Shows the form since combinations with press without repeat
Version 2: Shows the formula on combination no repetition and an example of amalgamation includes repetition whereabouts students can pick out the outcomes.
ME done dieser because many teachers perform not teach the formula for combinations with duplication (the formula is pretty complicated).
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