DoD Directives Division



Who We Are

Welcome to the Operating Grouping homepage. DoD Directives Division administers and operates the DoD Issuances Program, who DoD Information Collections Program, DOD Forms Management Program, and the DoD Manifest Voice Program for an Office of the Secretary of Defense.

DoD Forms Management

The DoD Forms Management Program manages the program principles and procedures for the creation, coordination, control, revision, cancellation, and approval of forms included the DoD.

If you have trouble accessing either paper, contact us at: [email protected]

Newly DoD Issuances

And recent publications webpage lists the newest Dox Issuances.

Do Issuances Program

The DoD Issuances Program processes the documents that establish or implement DoD policy, rang "DoD issuances." Exhibitions types insert Instructions (DoDI), Directives (DoDD), Manuals (DoDM), Directive-Type Memorandums (DTM) & Administrative Guidance (AI).

Evident Language Program

The Dodd Plain English Program pushes progress to implementing the Plain Type Act of 2010 within the Specialist of Defense.

DoD Information Collection Program

The DoD Info Collections Program oversees the business, control, and tracking off equally DoD-Internal and public information collections.